

Friday, August 27, 2010

DiKSHYA (INITIATION) mangaldhanram

DIkshya is the guiding light of any spiritual journey, but it is imperative to understand its true nature. According to modern custom, DIkshya is viewed simply as a commodity given by the Guru, whereas, in reality, it is the assimilating power of the disciple which is paramount in the initiation process. However since today this assimilating capacity is routinely overlooked hence one often comes across two disciple initiated by the same Guru of which one is firmly stationed on the apex of spirituality being full of human qualities while the other can be seen harassing the society at large via violence, chicanery, theft, fraud etc. And remains full of demonic qualities even after Dikshya. Do you know why this happens? It happens because the basic nature and meaning of DIkshya was not understood. It is not limited to being given by the guru; the assimilating capacity of the disciple is also important. Vibrations keep emanating from the Guru all the time. A capable disciple is able to ‘catch’ them. Eklavya and the saint kabir are telling examples.
What after all is Dikshya? The fusion of education, initiation and single minded devotion is what is generally called ‘DIkshya’ and not simply the whispering of a mantra into the disciple’s ear by the guru. In ancient time parents used to hand over the child to the Guru. The child used to live in the Guru’s Ashram. Thus serving the Guru and other Ashram work became his daily routine. He thus used to become an integral part of his Guru and in time came to consider the Guru to be his everything, even his virtual life breath. This total devotion used to called ‘eklavyita’.
In between, his education took place and also initiation into various fields of learning. It was then that he would come to belong to his Guru’s clan (kul) leaving behind his biological parent’s clan is the process. He thus becomes fully oriented towards his Guru and came to adopt everything of his Guru as his own, e.g. the Guru’s way of doing things etc. He then came to be called ‘Gurumukha’ (facing the Guru). This is the complete process of Dikshya.
Baba keenaram reintroduced us to this system of Dikshya in the 16th century, in tune with the prevailing mentality of that era, through the monasteries and their branches. In response to the call of the time of the 20th century Avadhoot Bhagwan Ram simplified the Dikshya process even further by prescribing that to become initiated in this order first one had to take membership in the headquarter or any of its branches. The seeker should then conform completely to the rules of conduct and life styles laid down by the order. Upon successfully completing that should pray to the president of the organisation to give him the book safal yoni and become Gurumukh by reading it. This is the easiest and healthiest manner of becoming fully Guru oriented.

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