

Friday, August 27, 2010


All these have their importance in this cult, but the foremost question is ‘for whom?’ The simplest answer is ‘for them who have already gleaned the truth about the soul (atma). For him who is awake on the inside.’ Otherwise all these are but the laughable paraphemalia of a road side magician.
The skull or the skeleton mirrors our actual beauty. Their message; ‘The beauty made of skin and flesh sets to rot. It emits a foul smell upon death. It even gets eaten by worms. But the skull or skeleton is immortal like the self. The subconscious constantly tells the mind that this is its actual beauty.
The skull is totally useless on one hand on the other its ashes are full of medicinal qualities and is used in Ayurveda for healing. The life breath (prana) of a person confers cognitive ability on him by residing in the skull.In Yoga philosophy there is a place in the skull called “Brahmarandhra”.
The life breath(prana) is a portion of the invisible power that sustains the universe. Being the residing place of this unknown power it (the human skull) is the most sanctified vessel on earth. Yet, since it is ignored by people, it is totally useless for them; hence its use by aghorees does not create any scarcity. For example, even cups made of clay can become scarce if, say, one cup from a thousand cups was utilized. This would mean one person will have to go without it. The human skull has no use for anyone. Nor does shroud cloth.

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